Facelift surgery?

Somebody was telling me that the recovery after a facelift surgery is not worth it. That it's too painful. I've never met anyone that's had one in real life


You will feel some pain for 2 to 4 days after surgery. You may have some trouble opening your mouth for several days. The skin around the incision probably will be numb. You may have some itching or shooting pain as the feeling returns, though it may take several months for the numbness to go away.


It's not worth it, just age gracefully or use fillers that aren't invasive, also who wants to be in the Healthcare system for something elective in the middle of a pandemic? Imagine if you have a complication and have to stay in the hospital, then you would have the pain from the face-lift on top of COVId, just a bad idea. A real person will love you for your personality. Spend the money traveling or something, expand your knowledge of the world, and bring that to the table. Also IMO older Spanish men are very attractive regardless of how they age.


Why are you telling us this? This is a Q&A site.


I haven't had it done. It seems a bit like a thing of the past. These days there is so much done with fillers and bands, and there are so many less invasive options. It depends what you need done. If your needs are more than the less invasive options can offer, then go for it. People forget pain. If not, a woman would never have a second baby and an addict would never pick up again.


i would talk to your doctor about it

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