Does the record Death Valley temperature prove Global Warming?

Of course not. Just as an unusually cold spell doesn't prove Global Cooling. Scientists know this. I know this. Most of the people that are actually interested in climate science and visit this forum know this. The Clown does not. See: /question/index?qid=20200818212533AATn9OA

From the site referenced in his ‘question’: “While global warming activists are rubbing their hands together in anticipation and glee hoping this will aid their case…“ - That’s pretty much all you need to know about that site.

Of course, actual climate scientists, that actually understand science, know that climate and weather are not the same thing. More heat in the atmosphere = more energy = more extreme weather events, hot and cold, wet and dry.

Is there a simple way to explain this to the Clown so that he finally gets it and stops embarrassing himself? Poor little fella.


For those complaining about this not being a question. Did you follow the reference? Can you figure out for yourself how idiots blocking rational arguments are skewing and abusing this otherwise fine scientific forum? Does it need to be explained to you, as if to a child?


The Clowns characteristic go-to is to claim anyone that disagrees with him is Dirac. I don’t think he realises it identifies him as clearly as his name. (Poor guy is a bit stupid). It also indicates a disturbing obsession with Dirac. Maybe it’s a man-crush. You're in his head Dirac. Whatever you said, it must have left a deep impression.


Not on its own, no. No single extreme event has much meaning on its own. But there are hundreds of weather events all across the world which certainly do indicate a fairly rapid warming of the atmosphere which will lead to severe problems for the human race, and for much other life here on Earth.


You don't like the answers you get, so you cry about it. 


Boris, Koshka, and Dirac are the same person


It proves alarmists are bad for America!  LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Every report I read about this mentioned it was the highest temperature in 100 years, yet the usual goons tried to claim this was ignored. We know the planet is warming because the overall temperature is increasing, one specific area proves nothing, as noted it was as hot 100 years ago, although that might not have been accurately obtained.

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