Of the at least 30 people murdered at BLM/Antifa riots in the last couple of months, how many of the dead were children?

in know of at least two...https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=how+many+deaths+at+protests




And yet, the WORST US terrorists, BY FAR, since 2002, are white supremacists.  If you're not an idiot, you need to shut up.  Since you ARE AN IDIOT, shut up, anyway.


Typical far right, hate group propaganda.  You falsely claim your enemies in this case BLM/antifa are child killers or pedophiles...the worst kind of criminals.  This gets your kooky militant buddies fired up.  Then you suggest using violence to stop them.  Do everyone a favor, stop telling lies.  Stop promoting violence.  It doesn't work.


EDIT: Thank you for proving you're worthless.  Like we didn't know that.  Tell your handler you need a new script, please.  Not only are you vacuous, you're also getting boring.  And thanks for revealing you have at least 5 sock puppet accounts.
Just curious, how many people have Trump supporters murdered since they started that big riot at Charlottesville and murdered Heather Heyer?  Since you're so good at doing research, I'm sure you'll be able to produce that answer quickly, too.  Please include and EDIT so we can see the numbers.  Thank you!
Then, while you're at it, how many police officers have Trump supporters murdered? 
And how many police stations have Trump supporters been arrested for destroying or burning?  HINT:  The answer to both questions is not zero.  We'll be waiting!

Mark IX2020-08-24T04:51:10Z

Yeah, not going to really trust Wikipedia with those figures.  Sorry, fake news.