How can some get overcome to depression?


You can do some online research for depression self-help.  Lots of great info on websites and even on YouTube.  YouTube has a lot of guided meditations as well. 

It all works when we WORK IT.  Otherwise, the info is just out there waiting for someone to find it and use it. 


Everyone is different, and sometimes, depression is chemical, so it could be as simple as vitamin D deficiency or something.

The cure for depression in some cases for me was Hope.  I was depressed after a breakup, with the feeling that I'd never be with anyone else.  The depression lifted once I believed that I had a chance with someone else (even though I never pursued her).


I use to suffer from depression. I use to wake up at night crying over Dreams I had. I would cry during funny movies. I would just cry a lot. I seen a doctor and he put me on Zoloft. About a week later I was doing great. Going on 2 years now with no issues.