Why do any men bother getting married at all anymore?
"Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women’s movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage. Sheila Cronin, the leader of the feminist organization NOW"
I was born around the same time that the modern feminist movement started waging war on marriage. All my life I have known somehow that feminism is responsible for the fact that it's almost impossible to have a good marriage...or even a good long-term relationship. Women don't know how to be women anymore. That is the problem. Men who act like women are not marriage material. But Men who act like men clash with women, who all act like men now.
For many years, if someone asked me what was wrong with dating or marriage or why the divorce rate was so high...I would confidently answer "feminism". But I was wrong. Or at least, I was not entirely correct. My one-word answer was too simplified.
The real problem is that women alive today were all raised in society that is greatly influenced by feminists. Consequently, we live in a society where ALL women are feminist, and a good percentage of them actually KNOW that.
Women really don't know how to be women anymore. Maybe their great-great-great grandmothers were the last generation worth marrying. Now, there's nothing but feminists proud to be feminists...and other pseudo-feminists who are just clueless.
Why should men bother even trying anymore?
Fireball: To me, having a lawn to mow feels like slavery. I have better things to do with my weekend! I hate hate HATE doing the shopping. But I'd rather do shopping than have to live with a modern woman (who is feminist, whether she realizes it or not)
Anon: Women didn't stop being female. They stopped acting female, there is a huge difference there...
Foofa: You missed my point entirely. Unless you are about 80 years old, you've lived your entire life under the influence of feminism.