For cons, why is federal help for COVID "socialism," but suppressing protests with help from the federal government is fine?
Alvin, I am not sure that word means what you think it means.
The states did ask for help from COVID, and cons, on principle, said that help would be socialism and not his responsibility. For cons, the federal government helping states is wrong in itself. So, as my questions points out, it's hypocritical how you think they just need to ask for help for intervention (no they don't) for protests and riots, but it's wrong to ask for help in a global pandemic.
If you think the state needs to ask for help, then you must be admitting that trump sending secret agents into Portland without their being asked was criminal. But you think that's fine. So don't lie and pretend he needs their grace.
Oh riot, I know cons have conveniently selective memory, but just take a browse in the past and you'll see plenty of examples of cons saying that it was up to the states to defend themselves. Trump himself said it at one point. And I guess you never saw any video ever about the troops, because they did not have badges, were in unmarked cars (why would they need cars if they were at buildings and not patrolling?) I swear.
The Insurrection Act of 1807 overrides that. Remember when cons were mentioning it as a reason to excuse trump's sending troops without permission? I'm sure you don't remember because that would be inconvenient, but people who are morally consistent do.