What do the people who shout "death to America' think will happen to them if death does come to America?


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Some actually know what this means: opening the door to a socialistic/communistic, controlling, one party government.  But most are simply brainwashed puppets who think that some sort of a utopian society will result from the death of America.  Where they will be taken care of and all of their wants will be fulfilled for their whole lives.  The simple fact that many say society will be safer without law enforcement, shows just how delusional they are.  Until every member of a society  agrees to show respect for others and others property,  possess morals, and basically agree on everything, then law enforcement is of the utmost importance.   If they succeed in destroying this country, many will have a rude awakening. 


They think they will be farted on


I guess they will die.


Don’t listen to the Russians, Chinese and Iranians. They just want to be number one by any means necessary.


I try to have hope that America can be reformed to benefit all people not just the wealthy
Kropz - Troubled Land

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