Does anybody here remember what time....?

of day was it when the plane hit world trade center building 7 on 9-11-2001?


I got to my workplace at 9:05 EST. My workmates were around the computer screen, watching the news video replaying the first plane hitting the WTC. 

I presume it happened between 8:30 and 9. I remember how inordinately quiet the street was when I emerged from the subway in Toronto - as though an accident had occurred and everyone was too stunned by it - but there was no body, no wreck, no police shooing people away. I  had to rush to work. I heard nothing about it until I was inside the workroom. Nothing from the patrons, nothing from security. People must have been murmuring because the atmosphere of the street felt ominous. Too heavy and too quiet. I was preoccupied, but I sensed something bad had happened. I couldn't see it, but I sensed it. It had been an "ordinary" morning until I was outside the subway. Yonge Street still looked like it always did; but something had happened.


No plane hit Building & WTC.  There were four aircraft involved. At 8:46 a.m.,American Airlines Flight 11 hit the northern facade of the World Trade Center's North Tower (1 WTC). At 9:03 a.m., United Airlines Flight 175 hit the South Tower (2 WTC). American Airlines Flight 77  flew into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. and the  fourth flight, United Airlines Flight 93, crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, southeast of Pittsburgh, at 10:03 a.m..  As the North Tower collapsed, heavy debris hit 7 World Trade Center, causing damage to the south face of the building and starting fires that continued to burn throughout the afternoon  At 5:20:33 pm EDT on September 11, 2001, 7 World Trade Center started to collapse, with the crumble of the east mechanical penthouse, while at 5:21:10 pm EDT the entire building collapsed completely.


Where I was it was around 2 am.


It seems to me, the first plane hit roughly 9:20 am NY time. You can look up the exact time w/ a 10 second search.


Flight 11 hit the north tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 am .. and the tower collapsed at 10:28 am
Flight 175 hit the south tower at 9:03 am  .. and that tower collapsed at 9:49 am.
These are all ''New York time'' .. so, in London, it was 1.46 pm when the first plane hit.

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