Can you suggest ways to help my dog past the loss of her 'little buddy'?
My really old dog (15 or 16 yrs. old, I don't know) was euthanized (early August) and since then our other dog (pit bull, 7/8 yrs. old) has just not been herself.
She's mopey and seems sad. She doesn't want to go outside into the yard by herself. She eats but not as much or as eagerly as she previously did.
She's healthy, had a comprehensive physical exam w/bloods in July and a dental in August, so medically she checks out just fine.
She is not the joyful and happy dog that she was. Any suggestions?
Thanks to all of you for your answers and advice.
It's understandable to me that some of you said, 'Get another dog!' and I did consider that, but it's not the right answer for my family. Don't mean to sound harsh, but we just don't want another dog right now.
Thanks for the condolences, too. Yes I'm sad about losing my dog but given his age, I was prepared for it. Well, as prepared as you can ever be to lose a treasured pet. Not entirely.
I think we'll be OK. Thanks for your help.
I DON'T think it's a good idea to introduce a new dog into our home, not with this dog. Thank you for understanding what's going on, and I appreciate that and thanks again for saying what I totally failed to articulate.
I'm usually pretty good with words, but regarding dogs my words just don't always work. Too emotional, I think. Can't always think straight. I know you understand.