Boyfriend and I are on 2 dofferent sexual levels, will it work out between us if he refuses?

For instance i am into autoerotic asphyxiation. Which is restricting the oxygen to the head and it amplifies the moment.  I have been experimenting with getting the timing right but he wont so it leaves me to do it alone.

I am into the dominance and the feeling. He is into soft core stuff and I am into hardcore extreme because i was raped and I ended up having some sort of stockholm like syndrome. 

So, i am worried he wont ever open up and try fun things. Will it work out for us in the long run if he doesnt?


No. You're a f#cking idiot. Possibly it's the brain damage talking. You found a man who doesn't want to commit violence against women and you think it's a bad thing.


You are truly the only one who can answer that, but offhand I would say the answer is "no".

It sounds like you have already talked to him about it, and he has gone as far as he can go down that road.  You are now at an impasse.  So you are at that point where you ask, "Which is more important to me - the gratification I get from this experience, or the positive things I get from my boyfriend?"

 It's really a matter of simple mathematics.  It sounds like this lifestyle is who you are.  It's not just a preference or a whim.  You need it as much as the oxygen you are depriving yourself.  As much as he might give you in other areas, it doesn't seem like it will ever be enough.  The fact that you are even asking the question of yourself is telling.

Not sure how long the two of you have been together, or when you told him about this.  It's tough on him if he didn't know it was what he was getting into, but such is life.

Now answer my question.... How old are you and how long have you and your bf been together ?