Is It Fair To Have Children?

Whenever this question is asked people tend to say it isn’t a question about ethics but, a biological necessity to procreate.
But, we can reason so, let’s use that too.

Of all the reasons that one chooses to have children, non of it is “for” the child, which is a selfish act. You decided for the child that it wants to be born, You don’t know if it would want to experience existence.
You don’t wanna be lonely,
You want someone to take care of you when you’re old,
You want someone to take care of because you feel your marriage would be boring if there aren’t etc.

It doesn’t matter how well and responsibly you train your child, environmental factors could still shape them to be what you never planned.

Wouldn’t it be better to let it be rather than gambling with the future of the child and risk bringing a sick child or one that might be unhappy (for whatever reason) and/or make others unhappy for the rest of its life.

Would I want the human race to cease?
What’s wrong if it does? (Shrugs)
We’re walking on mines anyways. One terrible disaster after another with each getting worse than the previous one.

I sure as hell wouldn’t wanna bring someone I love to experience this hell.

Leave religion out of this.

PS: I had a great childhood, have great parents and siblings, living a comfortable life. So, This isn’t about my quality of life or my upbringing but, reasoning.

I have my own emotional demons that’s why it isn’t always about wealth or quality of parenthood


It's fair to have children, imho. You are not forcing anyone to do anything. Is giving up really the best option? I don't think so. You are asuming negatives to last forever, unhappiness, sickness, walking on mines, one terrible disaster after another, etc...

What says that we can't change for the better? This **** will not last forever. Only way to change this is to live long and prosper, make changes for the future.

The changes starts with you.