Is the democrat strategy for the presidential election to hide Joe Biden?
By hiding Joe, Trump has less to talk about. About all Trump can say is Joe is hiding again and the democrats are lying to you, which everyone knows already. So Joe won't campaign and that way doesn't have to say anything about the radical democrat platform or what wonders the democrats have in store for you. Like more taxes, regulations, confiscations and a general screwing because you have still not learned to never vote for the democrats. So, Biden isn't giving Trump any ammunition. But is that a winning strategy? Having Harris come out once per week and cackle a laugh at how the democrats intend to ruin the schools so that it will then be fair to all the kids does not seem to be a good way fool the voters one more time. One would think that the democrats could hire an actor and hide him behind the mask and hide Joe in the basement and have a better candidate. May be they could get actor Alec Baldwin. He has always wanted to be President.