Is it true that a lot of Trump supporters don't care about his politics or morality, but they just hate liberals?


Favorite Answer

You got me. I just disdane all libs, those that will not do what is necessary to fend for themselves, democrats, socilaists, man buns and those that have them , hom0s, hollywood types, the entertainment industry, women with Tatoos, atheists, libs, and wait for it  .......  American liberals.   Have a nice day. 
                                                    TRUMP 2020


It's true many don't care about politices - they just want to "win", even if Trump has repeated many tactics, known decades ago to be losing ideas.

The Fish2020-09-19T22:48:34Z

Absolutely. They hate the notion of helping the less fortunate because they see it as ‘communism’. Land of the free, my Rse. 

thomas f2020-09-19T22:12:53Z

I just hate high taxation big government socialism. It will be the downfall of this nation. 

Gilgamesh King of Heroes2020-09-19T22:05:05Z

hard to tell the difference these days huh, between hate and disagreement 
but it seems both go hand in hand these days as well 

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