No reason for concern over mail in ballots?

A small number of ballots were found in the trash in Pennsylvania, significantly, all were votes for President Trump. Only nine, but a harbinger of things to come.


Source: ABC, USA Today, NPR, et al.


There is no way to deny that some element of dishonesty will exist in the voting of a country as big as America.


Nope.  Trump and his cult have amped up their lies because it is not looking good for Trump's reelection.
Even if a small handful of ballots were found, and I don't believe they were, that is nothing compared to Trump and his team trying to suppress the vote by removing post office equipment and closing voting stations, making it harder for people to vote.


Ballot tampering reported in 4 states already . Keep in mind , this is just what has been noticed . One instance was 3 full trays ( several hundred envelopes ) .
How much has gone on undetected ?