I was washing my face with cetaphil soap and I had to breathe and I breathed in some of the soapy water and I immediately also blew my nose ?

Right after but now my left nostril is stuffy and burns a tiny bit will I be ok I’m kinda nervous 


you still don't have any brain eating disease

Diane A2020-09-29T04:59:33Z

of course it burns : soapy stuff (any soap) on mucus membranes burns--its delicate tissue. You will be fine


Cetaphil does not contain even one single beneficial ingredient and what it does contain is the equivalent of toxic sludge. Whether you think it's keeping your skin healthy or not, it is absorbed into your bloodstream and research has proven almost all of the few ingredients in it are carcinogenic


You'll be okay. No problem.


Yes, you'll be fine.

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