Is the fact that Republicans call half the population of America and most women, baby killers, the real reason they fear the popular vote?

The Republicans faked outrage over Hillary’s basket full of deplorables, but are ok with accusing Americans of infanticide?

David S2020-09-28T17:09:29Z

Republicans don't fear the popular vote. Our country doesn't elect Presidents according to the popular vote. You may not like being called a baby killer, but that is what abortion amounts to. We weren't outraged by Hillary's basket of deplorables comment. We used it as motivation to get our candidate elected.


What, exactly, do you think abortion does?  

Are you saying it doesn't end a human life?

Look at this picture.  If you're not appalled...


The Constitution defines the election process.  We are a republic, not a democracy.


oh..... so then you don't like name calling and the arrogance of writing off millions of Americans as beneath you?

is that really what you're trying to say here?


those are small minority of Republicans, most i think are for the right to choose abortion