Hey “christian conservatives” do you know who really supports murdering babies? ?

Your “god” and I don’t mean TRAITORTRUMP. Samuel 15:3-4, 


The Amalekites were a treacherous and genocidal people. They were so evil that God didn't even want their livestock spared. I trust God to know if someone is worth a damn, and apparently none of the Amalekites were. Same with Sodom and Gomorrah, same with the entire world before the flood, except for Noah.

You're straying from "who are you to judge?" into "who is God to judge?" territory, which tells me you are something of an Amalekite yourself.


Sorry about your ignorance but Samuel is part of the Old Testament - original Jewish scripture.  So I guess you need to be including ALL Christians and Jews in your sick rant.


It doesn't matter what liberals think. We will be appointing a Justice that will be the decisive vote to overturn Roe.

The murder of unborn children is coming to an end.

Gilgamesh King of Heroes2020-09-28T17:28:32Z



You live in a conservative christian country, how does that make you feel?!?

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