Is the real reason Republicans let Chump get away with stuff they would impeach Barry for, because they fear the backlash from his Cult.?

Republicans can’t win without Chump’s Cult;

Pearl L2020-09-29T01:56:41Z

i dont think he has a cult and thats not his name


Is this finally a President who is answerable to the people, not the deep state?  
Could he really be that good?


Democrats impeached Trump for bringing attention to Biden's quid pro quo of Ukraine. It would have been impossible to impeach Obama with the Uni-Party Obama cult members who enabled Obama to use intelligence agencies to spy on his political enemies.


You mean like how the liberals gave Obongoman a Nobel Peace Prize for bombing and poisoning children?


I am surprised people like bush and chaney were never locked up for crimes against humanity and selling out the us to international bankers

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