can't moderators turn off mics?

during debates when a contestant talks over the assigned time, or talks, out of turn, over their opponent??  Doing so would save time and respect everyone's time.  
I think we have the technology for that!!


A source close to the commission said Wednesday that among the changes under consideration was giving the moderator the ability to cut off a candidate’s microphone when the rules are violated.

They should have done it also for Demo debates too.  


Poor Mr. Trump, now he thinks he can't control the debate any more.  

""And then they cut you off whenever they want.""


I will not watch a debate where mics will not be muted if someone talks overtime or interrupts.  Disrespects me.  Disgusted with the first one


democrats love their censorship 


They can't currently but that may need to happen if we're going to continue this charade of political "debates". 


This moderator does not have a mic to talk into and hope that answers your question. 


Wallace seemed as bad as Trump and Biden. I think they can though.