Have you considered that the democrats will not be able to govern?

Let's say Biden wins, dies and Harris and the communists take over the government.  How much of Congress will they have?  Do you think they will be able to govern?  And what will that governing be like?  Are they going to start making laws taking your money and restricting your life?  Pull you out of your house, shoot your father, and put someone else in, as the communist did in Russia?  Radical racial equality?  Democrats are burning businesses now, and the idea can be expanded by radical democrats to neighborhoods if they get more power.


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Democrats aren't able to govern. Everywhere they are in charge is chaos and strife. They have no business being in power anywhere.


NO. They've shown they are much better than Trump's corrupt GOP.  There is no communist threat.  Right wing media lies and tries to scare gullible people like you.


@Libcrusher--Let's not also forget that everywhere Democrats rule are also the most prosperous states in the union. What's your red state's excuse, again?
Democrats are going to win back the Senate.  Democrats will then control all of Congress and the White House and the healing of the nation can begin.  More bad news, sweetheart.  Government's job is to regulate.  Your fear-mongering is pathetic and proves nothing. 


then they create some NEW panic, President Harris declares marshal law, and only those WITH guns would be there to stop them from taking-over ................


trump is 74 and morbidly obese. he's going to die before Biden. Biden still runs and swims, Trump cant even  walk down a ramp

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