Why is it such a big deal that Supreme court nominee Amy Coney Barrett is Catholic?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is Catholic! So is House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. In fact, even former vice president Joe Biden is Catholic. So what is the big hulabaloo against Amy Barrett?


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Amy Barrett is a real Catholic who doesn't ignore biblical teachings that go against her political beliefs. Democrats are terrified that Barrett will not support their policies or their judicial activism.


Jealously pure and simple.


It's not just THAT she's Catholic. It's the WAY she's Catholic. There's a TYPE of Catholic who won't think for themselves. She never answered a direct question and seemed to have absolutely no personal concept of right and wrong, just answering to robotically that she'd follow the letter of the law.

The Raging Platypus2020-09-30T21:54:56Z

It's obvious.  It's like wearing blackface.  If dems do it, it's just fine and dandy if republicans do it, it's extreme dangerous behavior.


Beats me.  I lean left of center, but think she is a reasonable nominee.  Of course Trump will nominate someone conservative.  What do the democrats expect?  

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