do you have to answer every questions in mail vote ballot?

hello. i'm voting for the first time. I am using mail. i see that there are many areas where I 'm not comfortable answering. like, I don't know any of those candidate for certain position and I don't want to just pick anyone. Also, for some of props, I don't know outcome of both positions (yes or no), and I don't want to be part of some props that ends up making CA worse off. 

So, is it ok to just skip some questions and my mail in ballot still be valid? or will skipping any question automatically make my vote ballot invalid and even those candidates and props that I support become not countable? thanks


You don't have to answer them all.  You can skip some (or all). You votes on the others will still count.


Generally speaking, the process of verifying your ballot involves the local election authority looking at the exterior envelope and determining that it is properly signed.  The ballot itself is inside a secrecy envelope.  Once the exterior envelope is verified, your secrecy envelope will be put in a stack of other verified secrecy envelopes are stacked together before any of them are open (so nobody knows how you voted).

When it comes time to run the ballot through the counting machines, there is no requirement that any person vote in every race.  (Technically, not voting in a particular race is referred to as an undervote.)  In fact, that is pretty much the norm.  In any election, the top race will tend to have the most votes (but there are always some that will skip that race) and the number of votes will gradually diminish as you get toward the bottom.  

The Devil2020-10-12T23:47:26Z

It  would be best if you studied up on the hard choices. At least you're voting, but some choices need to be made or nixed.