Atheists did you ever try to practice Empathy towards God your Lord ?

Did you ever try to put yourselves in the position of God the Almighty. How could you have done better while giving humans freewill ?
If you tried to understand and empathize with God instead of judging him in your heads and trying to blame and find faults in his actions, maybe then you'll learn to appreciate his gift.



Hosanna listen2020-10-17T12:06:10Z

An atheist is not chosen so they are earth bonded. It is ok to ask the question, but they will never seen spiritualy beyond this phyiscal existences. God Bless

Phil M2020-10-17T02:17:25Z

I can not empathize with something that I don't believe exists. 

Bulldog redux2020-10-16T23:54:46Z

If, for any reason, I were "to put myself in the position of God the Almighty" then, BY DEFINITION, I would NOT be an atheist.  Can you figure out why?  A dictionary definition is a very abstract and abstruse argument, so I empathetically entreat you not to strain your brain as you contemplate my answer.


Empathy toward something we don't believe in. Trollolol. I know if I was a god, I wouldn't sacrifice myself to myself, demanding a blood sacrifice, and still fail at redeeming "evil humans"; I would just forgive them and be on my way

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