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Atheists did you ever try to practice Empathy towards God your Lord ?

Did you ever try to put yourselves in the position of God the Almighty. How could you have done better while giving humans freewill ?

If you tried to understand and empathize with God instead of judging him in your heads and trying to blame and find faults in his actions, maybe then you'll learn to appreciate his gift.

31 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago


  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    did u ever try to look up the word atheist??? please do

  • 6 months ago

    Excuse me, but I feel the need to address you by what ought to be your real name- F. Moron.  Atheist do not blame whatever they do not accept as true or not existing.  There is no god in which to find fault, but there is you with total lack of common sense. You can join with Hosanna listen who thinks as you do, or maybe less. @ Anonymous, your warped brain is as it is because you are fooled by a book of lies. Your rambling BS means nothing at all. Prove your god thingie then we can talk.

  • 6 months ago

    An atheist is not chosen so they are earth bonded. It is ok to ask the question, but they will never seen spiritualy beyond this phyiscal existences. God Bless

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  • Phil M
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    I can not empathize with something that I don't believe exists. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    If, for any reason, I were "to put myself in the position of God the Almighty" then, BY DEFINITION, I would NOT be an atheist.  Can you figure out why?  A dictionary definition is a very abstract and abstruse argument, so I empathetically entreat you not to strain your brain as you contemplate my answer.

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    They don't believe your deity exists. Do you show empathy to Thor?

  • 6 months ago

    Empathy toward something we don't believe in. Trollolol. I know if I was a god, I wouldn't sacrifice myself to myself, demanding a blood sacrifice, and still fail at redeeming "evil humans"; I would just forgive them and be on my way

  • 6 months ago

    Have you ever tried practicing empathy towards a rock?  God is a fictional character.  He has no feelings.  He's a rock.  Not least a rock is real.  I'm not judging God because he doesn't exist except as a character in a not particularly well written book.  

    But YES, I once believed in God.  I was raised Roman Catholic, and yes, I truly believed.  Until I was in my early teens.  That's when I began to see through the dogma.  I began to realize how little sense it made.

    And I continued believing after that, I just thought we humans had messed up the details.  I concocted a version of God that tossed out the nonsense and explained why he seemed different to every culture.  I believed that the same God inspired every religion and just had a message of 'Don't be a d_ck', but then humans corrupted the message.  

    But then I realized that even my less-interventionist God was still just another made up story, just like the Bible.  It made more sense than the Bible which almost seems like it was written by children it's so nonsensical, but it had no more fact or grounding.  So I abandoned the idea of God altogether.  

    And I offered him a chance to turn me around.  Just show me you exist in a way that is not possible to confuse with natural events or coincidence.  And nothing happened.

    Now, I do post on here about how AWFUL the God of the Bible would be if he were real.  And that's indisputably true to anyone who actually reads the thing cover to cover.  The God of the Bible is a HORROR STORY of evil.  But I am not judging him because he's fictional.  I'm just pointing out that even IF he existed, he's clearly evil and should not be worshipped.

  • gillie
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    Why would an imaginary entity need empathy?  For that matter, why would the ultimate power in the universe need to be coddled by humans?

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