Should I start my own tutoring business or join Amway?

I have a math degree and was considering becoming a private tutor aside from my day job. However someone is taking to me about joining Amway. Knowing how much time I would put into tutoring, and how much time I’ve been told will go into Amway in order to be successful, I can’t do both. Does anyone have experience with Amway and think they could tell me of it’s value?


I’ve noticed my typos in saying “taking” when it should be “talking” and “it’s” when it should be “its.” Sometimes it’s hard to type on a touchscreen keypad.


Tutoring (especially on line) over Amway. 


You know Amway is like a Ponzi scheme, eh! 

Christin K2020-10-20T13:32:08Z

You want to attempt multi-level marketing and sales instead of using your skills and assets?  I am having a really hard time seeing any logic to that. You don't make money enough to live on in MLM--not unless you have dozens of people working FOR you--and that level is very difficult to achieve, especially at the beginning. You will be asked to 'recruit'. You will have to sell SCADS of products, mostly overpriced and available in other places much less expensively. You will have to take your products to your customers, or charge high shipping rates, put up with shipping delays and non-payers. Does any of this make any sense at all?

I'm not downgrading any Amway products here--there may be some that are better than those you can buy in stores--but I honestly can't see making a go of a sales position you'll have to expand into recruiting others to do the same work--when sales like Amway are dropping daily. You already have the tutoring skills for a math tutor, and there are plenty of home-schooled kids who need serious help with it. Stick to the tutoring and forget about the Amway position--only those at the top of the pyramid make any money. Like whomever it was who was trying to recruit YOU. 


Amway is one of the worst MLM scams out there.  You'll spend a lot of time and money and not make much money.  The market is over-saturated with reps.  Any company that pays more for recruiting new people than it does for selling product is to be avoided.

Wayne Z2020-10-19T09:52:05Z

True story......

I was about to do the tax return of a couple in 2008.  I never did do the return as they did not like what I told them about their "business".

Upon reviewing their previous year's return, I noticed a $8-9,000 loss on a Schedule C.

Me:  "Are you Amway distributors?"
Her:  "Yes.  How did you know?"
Me:  "All of the money that you are losing."
Her:  " with most businesses, you don't make money at first.  It is a long term goal."
Me:  "How long have you been in Amway?"
Her:  "10 years."
Me:  "Have you ever made money"
Her:  "No."Then, we got into a rather heated discussion on hobbies vs businesses.Bottom line:  They had lost close to $100,000 in their Amway business but they were still convinced that it was going to make them rich, someday.  They were in their 50's and had no savings and no retirement outside of their 401ks.  All of their spare money went towards this "business".

Avoid any MLM.  Like others have said, you will lose money.  With tutoring, you have a shot at actually making money.

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