Technically, would this be considered a pre-existing health condition by my carrier?

I've had an individual plan (not employer based) with the same carrier for 18 months. During that time I developed a condition a few months into the plan for which I continue to receive treatment.

If I renew the same plan with the same carrier, would this be considered a pre-existing condition?


Yes. Even Covid could be considered a pre-exiting condition.

HAPPY PUPPY!2020-12-28T23:14:21Z

Yes you have to see a doctor. 


Why do you need to renew it?  Plans continue, forever.

A Hunch2020-10-23T18:07:43Z

Any medical condition that has previously been diagnosed or you knew about but did not seek diagnosis is a pre-existing condition.

If you had acne when you were 16 that is a pre-exsiting condition.

If I renew the same plan with the same carrier, would this be considered a pre-existing condition?  YES, it's a pre-existing condition. 
Would have this ever had mattered? NO!  Because pre-existing conditions clauses were only in effect when you CHANGED carriers.  If you are renewing the same plan, you have a pre-existing condition but it does not matter. 


Yes. Even Covid could be considered a pre-exiting condition.