So basically my vote in this election does not really count?

I keep hearing because I live in illinois which always votes democrats hence why Illinois is a mess that my vote for Trump wont matter as Illinois will moslty vote for Biden. And due to how it works my vote will not mean a damn thing then is that true?


sfancik you did not even answer the question. and ask illinois how democrats do LOl Trump 2020!


Favorite Answer

Sadly yes that is the american way. You do not count.  And yes Illinois never learns then they cry and that is why Illinois loses more people per years every year than any other state in america 


That is fake news. You are a slave to stupidity. The Christ you claim to worship is the fraudulent kind that you've made up in your head. Sit down demon!


Hopefully no one's vote for Donald Trump will end up mattering this time around.

Vote for Biden. He's the better candidate by far and if he wins you'll be a Winner! 


That is not necessarily true.