old timer
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Write to the French Embassy they will send you a form, remember the Foreign Legion only speak in French, so start learning it if you don't speak the language, they will teach you and give you for 4 months to learn. they will also give you a new identity and as far as they are concerned the only family you have is the Legion.
EDIT Zirp the Legion will accept you at 17 with parental consent, don't make comments you know nothing about
If you are 17+ the legion will take you. Not sure if you need parental consent.
Better learn French and I hope you love France. If you are wounded you automatically become a French citizen.
You don't need parental consent. The French Foreign legion will take anyone. They will assign you something to do, even if it's just to be a water boy until you get a little older. You could be a bugle boy.
Through the Foreign Legion website recruitment page
Regardless of where you are, the ONLY place you can get parental consent for anything is from your parents. That is literally the DEFINITION of parental consent.