why is it selfish to vote to benefit myself but not selfish for minority groups to vote to benefit themselves ?


You seem to spend much time appeasing others.


ever notice how the same ones that seem to hate the Electoral College for "favoring minority states" tend to be the same ones that promoting laws that "favor" 3% - 15% of the population?

now the stock response is usually "idiot! those are protected CLASSES...States are NOT protected classes!"

that, of course, only further illustrates how ignorance in basic U.S. history and civics goes hand in hand with that particular political leaning.... because the Declaration of Independence and the Republic could only be formed by guaranteeing all member states proper representation....

in short, the individual states were, in fact, the FIRST "Protected Classes" in our Constitution....


When minorities vote in their own best interests Republicans accuse them of being "tricked" into voting for Democrats with the promise of "free stuff."
Let's flip that logic. Trump has tricked you into voting for Republicans by promising you free stuff; specifically, a wall paid for by Mexico. 


You cant afford it