Why won't Republicans in the US accept that socialist programs do not make you a socialist?

1. The most popular programs in the US were developed by a Democratic socialist under FDR's New deal
2.Programs like unemployment, medicaid, medicare, several veterans assistance programs, and countless others that have assisted the disenfranchised are popular by people in both political parties
3.Many countries around the world have socialist programs but are not socialists
4. It is insane to generalize and think that one country has the generalized in just one particular manner


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They don't read, they don't know the history of western civilization, they do not understand deep concepts and so they react almost chemically to loaded words like "socialism" with ignorance and extreme prejudice. The do not know, and they do not want to know, the underlying truths, they just want to fight with us about the labels.


maybe they dont want to accept it

Walter B2020-11-11T00:02:18Z

--  Those item you mention are NOT socialist programs. They are NORMAL "social reformist policies" that all governments perform for their people, no matter what the political views of the government are. A government can be extreme right wing fascist through to extreme left wing communist.
--  FDR was a right wing Democrat, but his domestic economic policies were excellent and helped take the US out of the 1929-1940 "Great Depression". His domestic social policies were just as right wing, bad, and even racist. His international policies were good.


dependence on the government and systems that disincentivize personal achievement rarely produces anything good...whatever you may want to call it...

Fried Potatoes2020-11-10T23:51:36Z

Shhhh - you can't use that word anymore -

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