Why won’t Pence and Republicans in congress realize they have more to gain by impeaching trump now?
1. Based on the fact that many republicans gained seats in senate and house despite trump losing certain states that they won it indicates the voters were rejecting trump not the republican party
2. With the exception of prison reform bill (which trump did not develop and was created by democrats and had some bipartisan support but was rejected by many republicans) . Trump got the bill approved by the republicans and relentlessly stole credit for the bill. With the exception of that trump has shown an inability to be diplomatic , bipartisan and is often vindictive .
3. Pence does not have the ability to win a presidential election. Both democrats and republicans will agree Pence is less dramatic then trump, more strategic, has better communication skills and more diplomatic. I personally do not like Pence but it would be hard for anyone in congress to argue that trump is a more competent leader then Pence.
4. As president Pence would receive a pension and repair strained relationships
Trump has created a plethora of reasons to be impeached from campaign finance laws to violate an email's clause to obstructing justice