Shouldn't the US be locking down again to flatten the curve?

We have way more hospitalization than we did back in March when shut down the first time.


Kevin, it did work the first time. Hospitalizations went down for a while.  The purpose of flattening the curve is not to kill the virus for good. I mean, obviously that would be great, but also impossible without an absolute full shut down (including hospitals and grocery stores) for at least a month and that doesn't really sound like a good idea.


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It is essential to control the transmission rate to prevent hospitals and morgues and their staff being overwhelmed again. That could require a lockdown if people continue to refuse wearing masks and social distance.

Jeff D2020-11-11T13:04:14Z

According to the COVID Tracking Project, the number of COVID-related US hospitalizations are currently about the same as they were in March, even though the number of new cases is about 4X higher and the number of deaths is about half.  The CDC data seems to show hospitalizations are significantly less than in March, although their data is a few weeks out of date.


Since trump can’t hold any more rallies with his trumptards not wearing a face mask, cases should go down again. Trump is at the center of potentially 2 super spreader events, and that’s just the rose garden and White House.  


Nah, it's okay to party in the streets without social distancing in celebration of Biden's victory.  If the BLM riots taught us anything, it's that the 'Rona is a woke virus that doesn't spread at DNC sponsored events.  


It didn't work the first time.  What makes you think it will help now?

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