Crush related?

I have a guy I work with. I know they say work relations don’t usually work. But I don’t get out a whole lot 😂...anyways, it took me 8 months to realize I liked him on a week that I was super busy. When I got back from a trip I got all my coworkers a gift, gave him my phone and asked him to call me. He never reached out. A few days later I told him in person I was interested in getting to know him better. (Mind you get is a huge introvert). He said he didn’t think we needed to do that. So a couple days later I wrote him a letter explaining my feelings and intentions and put my phone number down again. We have our phone numbers posted in case of covering a shift. His phone number was posted before I started here. A few months went by and I left him alone, last week I talked to him again and he said he doesn��t date coworkers, but I have a strange feeling he’s hiding his feelings because of how he talks and looks at me. Should I get his number off our sheet and message him or not mess with it for a while?


Favorite Answer

no, dont message him with that number from the sheet. he probally will know ur intention. Just continue being friendly . take care. But it might not lead to love etc


Go for it. 
btw I'm a guy

T J2020-11-11T16:33:20Z

Leave him alone. You tried a few times, he never called, you were told no to coworker dating. You start to bother him anymore, he will go to HR, and have you fired. Leave him alone.

Alan H2020-11-11T16:32:35Z

Were he really interested, he would not hide it after you far from subtle hints.    The ball is in his court 
Being work related is irrelevant.   My wife and I worked together for over 40 years


If he's said no then OMG woman have some self respect and leave it alone lol