I do not remember any presidential candidate being idolized by their fanbase as much as Trump. The hardcore supporters buy merch, decorate their homes and cars with Trump 2020 signs, etc, but when asked about his policies, they are unsure of why they support him. How did Trump manage to successfully influence groups of people that may be unknowingly voting against their best interest?
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This is a complicated question. I think people that have responded thus far have failed to understand the difference between supporting a candidate and their policies and building a personality around him/her. I think that Trump originally appealed to conservatives who felt they were left behind by the Obama Administration and wanted to return to their roots (i.e "Make America Great Again") I am unsure of how Trump was able to create a facade of common ground between him and the average American, but clearly it worked for him and his admin. I think that he appeals to Republicans and Conservatives that want to conserve their country, their values, and what they are used to. His use of merch also provided identity and created a group for Americans who again, felt left behind by the former Obama Administration.
He knows them personally probably and has direct ties with a lot of their higher ups probably who tell them what to do and they tell others. Then like all the white supremisit groups probably all know eachother and connect with each other. Then the higher up tell all the lower level pawns what to do and they listen. And everyone wants to fit in with each other for survival because of you don’t fit in you are as good as dead. It’s like that pretty much anywhere you go probably.
" Fan Base " trivializes the importance of governmental representative selected to further an agenda and lead the country in a direction desired by 72,000,000 + voters .
I can't remember when people got so emotionally unhinged over losing an election as they did when Trump won in 2016. If Biden wants to help his supporters he should set up TDS support groups. It may be a waste of time and money, but their IS a cure. It seems to be akin to a spiritual awakening. See #walkaway.