is the science of evolution just a big scam and more like a religion or philosophy that spiritually blinds university students?

Is scientific truth the only truth?

there are documented parts of science that are not true. so, science is not the only truth. you can get a hundred thousand evolution and archeological scientists and have them debated a million creation scientists, and people will still believe the false science because their pay checks are paid for by congress and local governments that buy the books and hire the teachers and likewise black ball and fire the scientists that teach creation against evolution. guaranteed 100% of the time all science that says evolution is true and all scientists that teach their text books doctrines are more like a false religion and priestcraft with all their doctrines in error and for a pay check and carnal security. after all they have to provide for their families. ! false religion, lies, backed up by words and theories that have been continuously proven false for a hundred years. i died, and saw Jesus Christ, so i know Jesus is real. but to choose the correct religion, no one can because they are all “wrong” too, thus saith the Lord.

Lighting the Way to Reality2020-11-30T20:50:25Z

You have been brainwashed by your creationist sources.

Evolutionary science deals with EVIDENCE, something that your sources abhor and lies about. Evidence keeps being found that supports evolution, and evidence keeps being found that refutes the myth-based creationism that you believe in.

That is why your creationist sources are forced to LIE about the evidence, and you mindlessly believe them.