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How can a child make money?

What are some good ways for a child (not old enough to get a job) to make money?

5 Answers

  • John
    Lv 6
    11 hours ago

    Mom had a paid work schedule, 2 cents for watering the house plants and a whopping 10 cents for cleaning the cat box. Mom had jars in the kitchen cupboard marked with different things, school supplies etc. my spending money got the least. Percentages were on the jars. Mom was a public school teacher.

  • Anonymous
    12 hours ago

    Help out around the house.

    Mow the grass

    Take out the trash

    Shovel snow

    Rake leaves

    Wash dishes

    Run the sweeper

    Wash clothes

    Wash the car

    Feed the dog

    Take the dog for a walk

    Clean up after the dog

    Feed the cat

    Clean up after the cat

    Set up a lemonade stand.

    Baby sit

    Do all these same things for neighbors

    I could go on forever

  • fcas80
    Lv 7
    13 hours ago

    walk dogs

    mow loans

    run short errands

    shovel snow in winter

  • pearl
    Lv 4
    14 hours ago

    Do yard work, like mowing the lawn.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Mog
    Lv 7
    14 hours ago

    Lemonade stand 

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