Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are the Trumps of the Democratic Party, why are they the leaders?

Trump is loud and out to irritate the other side. Biden pins himself as a uniting influence. Pelosi and Schumer might as well have Trump as a last name, because they have fallen into petty bickering. Why are the leaders of the Democrats? The Democrats have an opportunity and they waste it by getting behind two people that are frankly annoying and partisan.


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🥴 More like AOC is Trump like. 

Pelosi and Schumer are NOT.

Best Answer2020-11-24T05:42:41Z

Chuck and Nancy annoy me. They are divisive. Pelosi could have sent a unemployment extension to people who needed it, but she wanted it to stall and did not bend. Chuck Schumer is such a loser that people that want to vote Democrat will just not vote, because he is their leader. Chuck and Nancy are the reason the Democrats are going to loose Georgia.


TERM limits is the solution to lunatics' like baby killer Schumer and Nanny State Pelosi. 


Because they keep winning elections.


They may be ultra-partisan like Trump, but at least they have good character. I would also like to point out that they do not embrace the extremists and fringes of their party as closely and openly as Trump does.

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