So liberals, EVERYONE went out and voted for Biden seeing his massive support of 15 people at his "rallies?"?



In response to "Heidi." You have been commenting with the handle "Sam" and with the same photo not to long ago with my questions. How many of YOU are you commenting and is the same person? Does this mean YOU are part of the MILLIONS  of ILLEGAL votes for Biden that we all KNOW is part of the obvious MASSIVE DEMOCRAT VOTER FRAUD EVIDENCE with the same people voting numerous times? You have lots of explaining to do. YOUR BUSTED! LMFAO!


So, covidiots, does it make you mad that those that remained safe outvoted those who were covidiots for chump? Your loser tears are glorious. 

Also, Donnie Yunior has COVID now. The coke-snorting spawn of chump is now sick, as are even more of the WH staff and personnel. Rick Scott has it now. It's because the Trumpanzees and chump cultist don't wear masks or do anything that might keep them from getting sick. That's why Biden didn't hold rallies that would help spread a pandemic even more than chump and his azz-lickers allowed it to spread in the first place. 


It’s well-known public knowledge that he deliberately kept his rallies extremely small for safety’s sake.


Rallies don't vote.  


It proves he can campaign from his basement and win

Elwood Blues2020-11-21T12:11:35Z

Not everyone.  Only 79 million of us.

OK, OK, I admit it.  I was part of a giant conspiracy to hand Biden the presidency.  And there were over 79 million others in the conspiracy.  There, does that make you feel better?

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