Politics: Serious NEUTRAL/bi-partisan question?

Under the Senate Rules, won’t Mitch McConnell still be the majority leader even if  Democrats win both seats in Georgia? 50 Republicans, 48 Democrats and 2 Independents. Or does the majority leader need 51 votes to keep the job and the VP can break the tie if the independents side with the Democrats as they USUALLY do?


This is important because the majority leader sets the agenda and decides what comes to the floor to be voted on.

thomas f2020-11-21T19:28:44Z

Currently, there are 50 Republicans, 46 Democrats, 2 independents, and two seats that are still indecided in Georgia. If Democrats win both Georgia Senate seats, it will be 50-50 so Kamala Harris will cast the deciding vote, and Democrats will control the Senate. 


No, he would not be the leader.  He needs 51.


On a tie vote, the president of the senate, Kamala Harris, would cast the deciding vote.  That includes deciding on Majority Leader.  And as you indicated, the independents caucus with the Dems.  


Republicans would need 51 as VP Harris would break a tie vote.  The two independents caucus with the Democrats, so there's no chance that they'd vote for McConnell.