How many young people who are embracing socialism actually know what it is or some of the it's history?

A good many young people like to throw around the word Nazi when referring to people like Trump or conservatives in general. They also want to turn this country into a socialist country. Do you know some of the history of that belief? You are aware that there was a very well known person as the leader of a socialist party, or program as the referred to it. Are you also aware of the symbol of that party/programme the Swastika? You may recognize the name Adolph Hitler, leader of the National Socialist Programme, AKA Nazi. Look up the history of Adolph and the Not Cs and decide if you really want to associate yourself with that label.


Ah, the snotnoses on recess trying to show just how smart they are. Come back after you dry off behind the ears and get a lot more of life's experiences and actually do have some idea of what you are talking about.


They aren't embracing socialism. They're embracing programs that conservatives are labeling socialism.


That was not a socialist party.  National Socialism is not, and has never been, socialism or even a form or type of socialism.  They are almost exact opposites in nearly every way.  The Nazis, including Hitler, were at war against the real socialists, long before the U.S. joined in near the end.


You call it whatever you want. I call it equal opportunity for all. You prefer  the greedy rich lording over those of us that do the hard work and get the least reward. So stick  it. Cons are corrupt crooks thieves liars and God is coming for them. Will you be in that number?


to an uneducated person, socialism CAN sound good ................


Relax. Only first world countries have socialism that includes universal healthcare. We too poor.

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