"Fauci Says",  OPEN THE SCHOOLS. So why are democrat governors not paying attention to the science and keeping schools closed? ?

For almost a year we have been playing "Fauci Says, or, Fauci May I" because the democrats have decided he is all knowing and the final word on anything Covid related. He has now said we should open the schools, so what is now the problem other than the governors are drunk on power and do not want to lose it.


No jo jo, public school is where you went if you wanted a real education without the indoctrination UNTIL liberals started taking them over, then, as usual, things went to hell in a hand basket. That is why you young liberal people like socialism and hate America.


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Because they don’t know what they are doing and just like the power they have 


Fauci has flip flopped on masks, distancing, travel..etc like 5 times in 1 year. The old man is an incompetent fool that belongs in the same nursing home as Hiden Biden.

He first said dont wear masks in Jan. Then changed his mine 3x


but trumpturd--for 50 years you said public schools were a cross between satanism and communism..now they're closed and you're still bitching