Is my cat food moldy or is it supposed to look like this?!?

Need a quick answer as we are about to leave for vacation. This is what it looks like, the brand is Kit&Kaboodle. Is this normal or not?


Thank you everyone for your helpful answers, the rest of the bag has a new home in the trash bin 😊


We are going to buy a new bag, anyone have any brand suggestions that will be nutritious for our cats?


Favorite Answer

Moldy.  It's not supposed to have all that fuzzy stuff on it.


That is definitely Mold. Did you not check the date on the packet before you bought it? I will suggest that next time buy from reputable stores like Costco or Petcarerx and always check the date on delivery.


Sure looks moldy to me! 

Also, that's a TERRIBLE thing to feed a cat. Kibble in general isn't good for their health, and that's among the worst kibbles you can get. Please consider feeding your cat a better food.