Are you liberals going to be watching exposed LIBERAL Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday? Will exposed LIBERAL Carlson and Ingram join him?

Maybe he will have the NEW crisis management team fox News just hired to try and fix their plummeting and never coming back ratings. You liberals should enjoy your NEW "CNN" channel along with it's ultra low ratings too! LOL!


Anonymous: Of course they are liberal! Why do you think their ratings have tanked.? Just like ANY liberal news channel. NewsMax is taking over. Sorry, your obvious non observative comment warrants no merit. Fox News has certainly become the new CNN, denial and false reporting has become the norm.


Is Scorpio so obsessed with liberals because he secretly is one? Does he hate liberals so much because he is a good little low intelligence useful idiot and he hates who he is told to hate. You are one of the biggest losers I've ever seen on this website. It's almost funny reading your questions and answers. You must practice a lot of yoga because you have somehow secured your head so securely into your posterior. If it wasn't so sad it would be impressive!


You think Fox News is liberal? Lol! Just because they don’t worship Donald trump and the ground he walks on doesn’t make them liberal. They’re far too conservative for me. But I’m not brainwashed by trump and his whiny lies. Trump is just pissed because the media refuses to report his ridiculous claims that he’s the president-elect. It’s just not true. I know it, you know it, CNN knows it, Fox knows it, and trump damn sure knows it. He just wants to silence anyone who won’t participate in his childish tantrum. 


How about exposed COMMUNIST Wall St. Journal ! 
But don't worry, and Stormfront STILL support Trump.


Wah!  Wah!  Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!  You lost.  Get over it!  LOL!!


Nope. I don't watch news on TV. 

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