Do you liberals realize Democrats have been rigging elections for 50 years?

Search: "2016 videos of Democrats rigging elections for 50 years." Many videos will see and hear Scott Foval from the "United Way" clearly explaining how Democrats go about STEALING elections and how they explore different avenues/venues to do it. It is interesting to note that one of the videos, and that is just ONE of the videos explaining how the Clinton campaign plans to steal PA in 2016. The search revealed 16,900,000 results. No election fraud/meddling in 2020 liberals?  Go watch the videos, Democrats have been stealing elections for 50 years! LMFAO! 


BrutusK15: Go back about 3 weeks and watch Biden explain how "You guys have put together before with the Obama administration and now with us, we think we have put together the most inclusive and extensive VOTER FRAUD organization in the history of American politics." Search : "Joe Biden brags about voter fraud." Clearly explains Obama cheated too!


Anonymous: It is the liberals under the "Anonymous" handle that keep claiming there is NO EVIDENCE voter fraud/election meddling when there is TONS of evidence! Your reply doesn't even make sense and is completely fruitless and without merit! 


Artemisc: These videos PROVE and ADMIT the Democrats have been doing this consistently for 50 years! Period! These are CONFESSIONS on live video/hidden camera of Democrat voter fraud. It's quite clear as we all know as Biden is a complete goof ball that the DNC had to cheat on wide scale to beat Trump and the certainly did!


Leo: Scared to watch the reality of Democrats stealing elections? Do you realize that you are helping these liberal morons ruin the USA through your obvious ignorance and stupidity supporting these criminals?


Christian Sinner: NO presidential candidate has won the presidency in 60 years without winning Ohio and Florida liberal moron. With Biden's obvious near O support and obvious ,MASSIVE DEMOCRAT VOTER FRAUD coming in from ALL over the USA and being reported from ALL over the world with actual news outlets doing their job you are telling me and the rest of the USA and world this voter fraud is a hoax? We ALL seen the last 4 years where the hoaxes were and this voter fraud is just a extension.


Favorite Answer

Democrats cheat, nothing new. They tried to cheat in 2016 but they under-estimated just how much cheating they had to do.

I question the 2012 election that Obama supposedly won.


Nope that is not true. Republicans have been gerrymandering. This can be proven. But you are not intelligent enough for facts so maybe sit the next few out there. I imagine it must be a very hard world for you to live in being so painfully stupid as you are. Maybe go read a comic book or watch some cartoons?

Jas B2020-11-30T14:51:00Z

Well then I have a question if this is true, why have 7 out of the 12 elected presidents in the last 50 years been Republicans?

And another, if this is true then how did this happen?


Just how much money have to sent to the Nigerian Prince? Videos of people making claims about voter fraud are not evidence of voter fraud.  Want to see voter fraud?  Look at NC in the 2018 midterms.  Newsflash:  This is ACTUAL voter fraud, with actual charges and everything. And it was republicans who perpetrated it.

But let's suppose, for a moment, that the claims of how "Democrats have stolen elections for 50 years" was true.  Ok. Fine. So because they stole elections fo 50 years, that means no evidence needs to be submitted to "prove" they cheated in this election right? So...I know this guy who stole a car.  He got caught a couple times, and was charged.  A car up the street was stolen.  I have no evidence this guy stole it, but because he's stolen a car before, the cops are going to arrest and charge him for it.  Is that how things work? Nope.  Same with elections.  But that's what you are suggesting.  Sorry about your luck. 


probably .........................................................

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