Notice how LIBERAL Chris Wallace wasn't hosting Fox News Sunday this last Sunday?

Is this the "new" approach from the newly hired "critical management team" Fox News desperately had to hire after their blatant Un American liberalism exposure this last month to try and salvage what is left of Fox News? Good luck with that, because Fox News is DONE!  LMFAO! 


Anonymous: Of course it takes a cowardly liberal like yourself hiding behind a "anonymous" handle like yourself to answer in denial and without common sense merit. Is this the obvious ignorance in place of the "education" that criminal Hillary Clinton so highly praised you people of? Obviously! LMFAO! 

Bada Bing2020-12-01T14:16:14Z

Favorite Answer

I hope Fox News is completely abandoned by all the crackpots they have helped create.


Oh are you sad you poor little snowflake that nobody agrees with your daddy? It's pretty obvious that you are a low intelligence useful idiot who likes to grab his own ankles and take it from wannabe authoritarians. If it wasn't for stupid people, Trump would have no supporters. Go find another country to live in you waste of life loser! Maybe run back to Mother Russia with your Messiah.


So anyone who doesn't grab his ankles for Trump is a "liberal" now? LOL!