'You cannot, at the same time, love America and hate democracy' So why are you Trumpers still claiming to be good Americans?

Quit claiming to be an American and just say it You are a Trumper and really want a crooked third world dictatorship instead of the America we all know


Favorite Answer

Just voting for Trump in itself PROVES they do NOT want ANY TYPE of democracy, THEY prefer a Dictatorship!

The Oracle of Omigod2020-12-12T16:15:53Z

At least 77% of us Republicans believe there was fraud on a massive scale in this election. 

Jeff S2020-12-12T16:05:29Z

Because they're also good Christians that support a man grabbing unsuspecting women's genitalia and cheating on his wives!


Some Trumpers miss the days when only rich white men were allowed to vote.


True Democracy = Mob Rule

The US is a Republic

Have a nice day

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