why doesn't eating snow quench thirst?
I have noticed that I am still thirsty after eating snow or ice cubes, and even after drinking water from melted ice. Is it just me or is something real going on? Has anyone experienced this?
I have noticed that I am still thirsty after eating snow or ice cubes, and even after drinking water from melted ice. Is it just me or is something real going on? Has anyone experienced this?
Orthodox Christian three hand signs are different than Buddhist mudras. Ecumenism = 263 heresies; each heresy leads to hell. Orthodoxy = the only true faith; Roman Catholics tried one cup - one spoon ritual and got sick with Bubonic plague; if heresy enters Orthodox monastery then monks/nuns will get sick with flu/tuberculosis (for instance); Orthodox churches who closed for COVID or had disposable cups/spoons or dipped spoon into alcohol are no longer brides of Christ (now they serve Satan and honor Satan's new COVID religion). Don’t go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons; demons never do good. SSN is written as a barcode/QRcode; then it's put into a chip; chip is put into vaccine; chipped people are influenced (by super computers) to receive grey plastic card World Passport with no name on it (but when they stretch their hands to get it, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable green 666 tattoo by isotope rays). If you reject mark of the beast then your direct ancestors go to heaven (according to saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov from Ural); forgive me.
It melts down to less 'water' than you'd probably drink in one go.
Snow does quench your thirst but because the water content is low it takes a lot of snow
I don't remember eating snow, it's kind of rare here in Florida.
But it could be that you miss the minerals when you eat snow. Most municipal and shallow well water is "hard", having substantial mineral content. Snow is frozen precipitation and has no minerals. The only reason I can think of.
might be psychological, youre brain thinks you’ve not had any water because you haven’t physically drank water? Idk man just a guess