So why didn't Joe Biden show up at the Army/Navy football game yesterday?

Did you see and hear the roaring crowd of approval when Trump showed up? Biden would have been BOOOOOOOED completely out of the place if not mauled to a bloody pulp is why. Biden will NEVER be accepted as POTUS and neither will Harris. Period.


scott b: I see you are a typical liberal stuttering like goof ball Biden himself when he tries to spit a comment out also. Are you really that stupid that you don't know you are blatantly and purposely being lied to? If you did you would realize and KNOW that ALL the virus deaths including the flue AND the corona virus from 2015 to current 2020 is nearly the same. THIS COUNTRY NEEDS TO BE OPENED UP IMMEDIATELY! This is how STUPID you liberals are! 


Because he understands that holding large events with crowds is not safe and doesn't want more Americans to die.


Joe Biden will be sworn in Jan 20.Right now Mr. Trump should be silent and help keep the peace in America.


Be careful with that hypodermic when you inject the bleach, guy.


Yeah right. 81 million people don't count.

scott b2020-12-14T02:59:09Z

Gee, I don't know. I suppose, maybe...possibly, oh hell, It COULD I suppose, have had something to do with being smart enough to not hang around in large crowds during a deadly pandemic, 1 month before you're going to become President....