What are your predictions for the Winds of Winter, the sixth book in the ASOIAF book series?
I think Jon's body will be stolen by the others and because of R + L = J Jon's blood is really magically and Jon's magic blood allows the others to break the moon. The moon will then shatter into many different chunks. Theses chunks will fall all over the world, and the moon chunks will break the and bring the Long Night. I also think Euron will summon a Kraken and will use it to conquer Old Town and other large areas of land. I think (f)Aegon will marry or fall in love with Sansa (Alayne) and I think Sansa is the younger prettier queen mentioned in the prophecy cersie spends time thinking about. I think Stannis will win the battle of ice and take back Winterfell, and I think Davos will have brought Rickon back to Winterfell and they will make Rickon the lord of Winterfell. I think Little Finger and the Vale forces will invade the Riverlands. My second to last prediction for the Winds of Winter is that (f)Aegon will get a dragon on his side. My final prediction for the Winds of Winter is that during the battle of fire in slavers bay one of Victarions men will blow dragon binder and will steal Viserion from Daenarys, and then I think Euron will take Viserion and torture and warg the dragon until Euron controls it.