How many of y’all eat leftovers for breakfast?

See I hardly ever eat breakfast unless it sounds good. Mostly, I eat leftovers whether that be spaghetti or a salad
I was just curious how many of you guys tend to eat “dinner/ lunch” food when you wake up?
In my professional opinion, sugary cereal is disgusting to wake up and eat
And orange juice taste horrible right after you brush your teeth?
Anyone agree with these views?


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Nothing better than leftover pizza or a spaghetti and meatball dinner. Yum. 


rarely but every once in a blue moon


If I've got leftover potatoes & some veg, I'll make a 'hash' for breakfast topped with a poached or fried egg.


Sometimes I have leftovers but I am a fan of breakfast foods as well.

To me breakfast food is eggs and toast or steel cut oats porridge or whole wheat toast with peanut butter or plain whole milk yogurt with whole grain granola.

Sugary cereals for breakfast are gross and because I watch my total sugars I rarely do juice and when I do it's in the evening and it has vodka in it.


An Egg and toast or a bowl of All Bran with plain non-fat greek yogurt and a small piece of fruit. Not sugary. Dinner leftovers for lunch. 

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